Research has shown that greater degrees of sunshine experienced direct
ly are associated with greater amounts of compliance and tipping. This
paper describes two studies that investigated beliefs about sunshine
and tipping. The studies were conducted at a casino hotel in Atlantic
City; a male server who delivered food and drinks to guests' rooms act
ed as the confederate. In Study 1, the server reported to guests the a
ctual sky conditions: sunny, partly sunny, cloudy, or rainy. Tip perce
ntages increased linearly from the worst to the best conditions. Study
2 used an experimental design. The server informed guests that the we
ather was either warm and sunny, cold and sunny, warm and rainy, or co
ld and rainy. Guests were gullible because their rooms shielded them f
rom the actual conditions. Belief in sunny skies produced greater tip
percentages. The temperature belief manipulation had no effect. This r
esearch extended previous research by showing that beliefs about weath
er, in addition to actual weather, can affect behavior.