Most of the existing robust methods for estimating a covariance or cor
relation matrix involve a multivariate approach in which matrix elemen
ts are estimated via simultaneous manipulation of all variables. These
methods are generally based on complex iterative algorithms and hence
are rather difficult to implement. The purpose of this article is to
recommend an easy to implement noniterative robust method for estimati
ng a dispersion matrix, based on an elementwise estimation approach. S
imple expressions are provided for robust estimators of variances and
covariances based, in part, on a modified A-estimator of scale discuss
ed previously by Lax (1985, Journal of the American Statistical Associ
ation 80, 736-741). A Monte Carlo study is used to compare the perform
ance of the proposed noniterative method with that of some iterative p
rocedures studied in the literature. A numerical example involving rob
ust estimation of variance components is presented as an application o
f the proposed methodology.