This study investigated the evolution of skiing velocity, cycle length
, and cycle rate in elite and subelite skiers during cross-country ski
races. Senior male cross-country skiers engaged respectively in a 30-
km skating race (N = 34) or a 50-km classical race (N = 27) were video
taped as they skied two different sections of 30 m, a 7 degrees uphill
, and a flat section. In the skating race, most skiers used the offset
technique on uphill and the 2-skate on flat, while the preferred tech
niques during the classical race were the diagonal stride for uphill a
nd double-poling on flat. Results demonstrated that faster skiers had
longer cycle lengths than slower skiers. except for the flat sections
of the classical race. Cycle rate was not different between skiers of
different performance levels in any circumstances or races. Decreased
velocity observed during the second half of the skating race was almos
t entirely due to a decrease in cycle length. We conclude that slower
athletes should emphasize extending cycle length during their technica
l training. Therefore, skiers should place an emphasis on strength and
power training to increase their kick and pole pushes and enhance cyc
le length.