The simultaneous imaging and tracking of a moving target is one of the
most difficult problems in inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) si
gnal processing. The problem is addressed here using a two-antenna ima
ging radar. The target range shift is sensed with an exponentially ave
raged envelope correlation algorithm, while the angle change is measur
ed with a differential phase shift algorithm The three state Kalman fi
lters are used in range and azimuth dimensions to provide both a filte
red estimate and a one-sample-ahead prediction for the purpose of targ
et tracking. The filtered range shift provides an accurate information
for range bin alignment, and the target angle change provides the ang
ular positions of the synthetic array elements. Therefore, the ISAR im
aging simply becomes processing of a circular-are aperture. The algori
thms are verified both by computer simulations and also with experimen
tal data processing.