To determine the utility of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA
) in the treatment of chronic critical lower-limb ischaemia, a prospec
tive study of 103 consecutive patients (117 limbs) was performed. A to
tal of 209 lesions were treated in the iliac (n = 4), femoropopliteal
(n = 121), and intrapopliteal (n = 84) arteries. The follow-up time wa
s 1-36 months (mean 12 months). The technical success rate was 92 % fo
r stenosis and 80 % for occlusion. The cumulative limb salvage rate wa
s 56 % at one year, 49 % at two years and 49 % at three years. The fol
lowing factors correlated favourably with limb salvage in Cox multiple
regression analyses: a small number of diseased lower-limb vessels (o
ne to five vs six to eight) and treated lesions per limb (one to two v
s three to five), peripheral runoff after PTA (at least one patent cal
f vessel vs none) and an occlusion as the successfully treated lesion
(instead of stenosis).