The small proteoglycans decorin, biglycan and fibromodulin were prepar
ed as a mixture from bovine nasal cartilage. The proteoglycans in this
mixture were shown to interact with hyaluronate immobilized on Sephar
ose beads under isotonic conditions. The interaction could be disrupte
d by increasing the ionic strength of the solvent by enhancing the con
centration of NaCl. To further characterize the proteoglycans of this
mixture, they were visualized with the glycerol spraying/rotary shadow
ing technique for electron microscopy. They were shown to have a globu
lar core protein and one or more glycosaminoglycan chains. The molecul
es, moreover, were organized as multimeric complexes, and their associ
ation one with another appeared to be mediated by either core protein
or glycosaminoglycan chain interactions. Complexes were shown by rotar
y shadowing microscopy to associate with hyaluronate in solution. The
combined results of this study show that as a mixture, the small prote
oglycans of cartilage can interact with hyaluronate, though not necess
arily as discrete monomers but rather as multimeric complexes. The obs
ervations made in this study also suggest that a similar interaction c
ould occur in vivo, where the interaction between small proteoglycans
and hyaluronate may have a functional significance in the maintenance
of cartilage homeostasis.