AZT (3'-azido-2',3'-dideoxythymidine, zidovudine, Retrovir,(R) Burroug
hs Wellcome Co., Research Triangle Park, NC) is the only compound avai
lable for the causative treatment of FIV infection iri veterinary prac
tice. To determine the efficacy of AZT against FIV infection an in vit
ro study to show antiviral activity and cytotoxicity in cell cultures,
followed by pharmacokinetic investigations to evaluate the optimum do
sage for in vivo trials and to monitor side effects were performed. fi
nally, three different in vivo studies in FIV infected cats were perfo
rmed to determine the efficacy of AZT and its applicability in veterin
ary practice. AZT was able to reduce virus replication in vitro and in
vivo. It improved the immunological and clinical status of FIV infect
ed cats, increased the quality of life, and prolonged life expectancy.
AZT should be used either subcutaneously or orally in a dosage of 5 m
g/kg bodyweight every 12 hours. For subcutaneous application it is rec
ommended to dilute the lyophilisate in a 5-mL isotonic sodium chloride
solution. In oral application AZT is administered in gelatin capsules
specially prepared for the corresponding bodyweight of the cat. Durin
g treatment, evaluation of laboratory values is recommended on a regul
ar basis.