This article presents a brief history of dental ceramics and offers pe
rspectives on recent research aimed at the further development of cera
mics for clinical use, at their evaluation and selection, and very imp
ortantly, their clinical performance. Innovative ceramic materials and
ceramics processing strategies that were introduced to restorative de
ntistry since the early 1980s are discussed. Notable research is highl
ighted regarding (1) wear of ceramics and opposing enamel, (2) polisha
bility of porcelains, (3) influence of firing history on the thermal e
xpansion of porcelains for metal ceramics, (4) machining and CAD/CAM a
s fabrication methods for clinical restorations, (5) fit of ceramic re
storations, (6) clinical failure mechanisms of all-ceramic prostheses,
(7) chemical and thermal strengthening of dental ceramics, (8) intrao
ral porcelain repair, and (9) criteria for selection of the various ce
ramics available. It is found that strong scientific and collaborative
foundations exist for the continued understanding and improvement of
dental ceramic systems.