Screening programs, such as annual mammography, are undertaken to redu
ce mortality and/or morbidity from chronic diseases such as cancer. Ma
tched case-control studies have been used to assess the effectiveness
of screening programs because of their relative simplicity and low cos
t. In such studies, the exposure history for controls consists of the
number of screening examinations received prior to the date of diagnos
is of the matched case. The authors know of no methodological evaluati
ons that demonstrate the validity of such case-control studies, To exa
mine the possible existence of bias due to design rules, the authors d
eveloped a simple deterministic model, which is used to calculate expe
cted screening and disease patterns in a cohort. Cases and matched con
trols are selected from the cohort, and their screening histories are
used to calculate an odds ratio, as is commonly done in practice. Resu
lts utilizing this simple model suggest that systematic inclusion of t
he examination from which diagnosis is made, which is the approach typ
ically used in practice, leads to a positive bias (odds ratio > 1) in
the absence of any real effect. Systematic exclusion of this examinati
on appears to lead to a negative bias (odds ratio < 1). Although this
simple approach has several limitations, the results suggest that a co
mmonly used method of conducting case-control studies may yield biased
odds ratios. Possible methods to reduce this bias may exist, such as
defining exposure intervals differently.