Neurotensin, an endogenous peptide widely distributed throughout the b
rain, fulfils neurotransmitter criteria When administered centrally, n
eurotensin induces various effects and modulates the activity of the m
esolimbic dopamine system. It antagonizes the behavioural action of do
pamine in a manner similar, but not identical, to antipsychotic drugs.
Neurotensin is even considered to be an endogenous neuroleptic. In fa
ct, microinjection of neurotensin elicits different effects depending
on both the dose and the cerebral structures into which the injection
is made. Our work on the development of orally-active neurotensin anta
gonists has led to the identification of SR 48692, the first non-pepti
de antagonist of the neurotensin receptor, and some analogues. This sm
all molecule reveals a surprising neuropharmacological profile. It ant
agonizes turning behaviour induced in mice and rats (after striatal or
ventral tegmental area administration of neurotensin, respectively),
hypolocomotion induced by intracerebroventricular injection of neurote
nsin in rats, and reverses the inhibitory effect of neurotensin (nucle
us accumbens injection) on amphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion in rats
. However, SR 48692 cannot reverse either dopamine release in the nucl
eus accumbens evoked by neurotensin injection in ventral tegmental are
a, or hypothermia and analgesia induced by intracerebroventricular inj
ection of neurotensin. As direct and indirect dopamine agonists have b
een reported to promote neurotensin release in the cortex, behavioural
studies were performed using injection of apomorphine. In these exper
iments, SR 48692 inhibited only turning and yawning. It did not antago
nize other apomorphine-dependent effects such as climbing, hypothermia
, hypo- or hyperlocomotion, penile erection and stereotypies. All toge
ther, these data raise the question of the existence of neurotensin re
ceptor subtypes and confirm that the nature of neurotensin and dopamin
e interactions depends on the brain structures considered.