Wd. Smith et al., MEASURING THE PERFORMANCE OF ANESTHETIC DEPTH INDICATORS, Anesthesiology, 84(1), 1996, pp. 38-51
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Categorie Soggetti
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38 - 51
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Background: An appropriate measure of performance is needed to identif y anesthetic depth indicators that are promising for use in clinical m onitoring. To avoid misleading results, the measure must take into acc ount both desired indicator performance and the nature of available pe rformance data, ideally, anesthetic depth indicator value should corre late perfectly with anesthetic depth along a lighter-deeper anesthesia continuum. Experimentally, however, a candidate anesthetic depth indi cator is judged against a ''gold standard'' indicator that provides on ly quantal observations of anesthetic depth. The standard anesthetic d epth indicator is the patient's response to a specified stimulus. The resulting observed anesthetic depth scale may consist only of patient ''response'' versus ''no response,'' or it may have multiple levels. T he measurement scales for both the candidate anesthetic depth indicato r and observed anesthetic depth are no more than ordinal; that is, onl y the relative rankings of values on these scales are meaningful. Meth ods: Criteria were established for a measure of anesthetic depth indic ator performance and the performance measure that best met these crite ria was found. Results: The performance measure recommended by the aut hors is prediction probability P-K, a rescaled variant of Kim's d(y . x) measure of association. This performance measure shows the correlat ion between anesthetic depth indicator value and observed anesthetic d epth, taking into account both desired performance and the limitations of the data. Prediction probability has a value of 1 when the indicat or predicts observed anesthetic depth perfectly, and a value of 0.5 wh en the indicator predicts no better than a 50:50 chance. Prediction pr obability avoids the shortcomings of other measures. For example, as a nonparametric measure, P-K is independent of scale units and does not require knowledge of underlying distributions or efforts to linearize or to otherwise transform scales. Furthermore, P-K can be computed fo r any degree of coarseness or fineness of the scales for anesthetic de pth indicator value and observed anesthetic depth; thus, P-K fully use s the available data without imposing additional arbitrary constraints , such as the dichotomization of either scale. And finally, P-K can be used to perform both grouped- and paired-data statistical comparisons of anesthetic depth indicator performance, Data for comparing depth i ndicators, however, must be gathered via the same response-to-stimulus test procedure and over the same distribution of anesthetic depths. C onclusions: Prediction probability P-K is an appropriate measure for e valuating and comparing the performance of anesthetic depth indicators .