THERE IS CONCERN WITH DECREASED air quality and potential aerosol cont
amination in the dental operatory. This problem has been addressed by
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which recommends that
all sources of blood-contaminated splatter and aerosols be minimized.
One of the major sources of potential aerosol contamination in the den
tal setting is the ultrasonic scaler. This study looks at the use of a
high volume evacuator attachment for the ultrasonic scaler handpiece.
Artificial teeth were mock-scaled for 1 minute with and without the e
vacuator attachment. The mock scaling was performed within a plastic e
nclosure that had a 1 cm grid laid out on 4 sides. Scaling was perform
ed 10 times each by 2 operators. An erythrosin solution was used for t
he ultrasonic scaler coolant with a coolant volume of 17.5 ml/min. The
number of squares containing a red erythrosin spot were counted and c
onsidered to represent aerosol contamination. The high volume evacuato
r attachment produced a 93% reduction in the number of contaminated sq
uares (chi squared significant at P < 0.05). There was no increase in
heat transfer to a tooth analogue when the high volume evacuator attac
hment was used with the ultrasonic scaler as compared to the scaler wi
thout the evacuator attachment. It is felt that the high volume evacua
tor attachment is capable of significantly reducing the amount of aero
sol contamination produced within the test system without increased he
at transfer to the tooth.