The eastern metamorphic culmination of the southern Canadian Cordiller
a is a composite core complex, which at low structural levels exposes
the Monashee decollement, a major contractional fault with large Late
Cretaceous to Paleocene east-directed displacement. The hanging wall o
f this fault, the Selkirk allochthon, is a sheared thrust sheet, recor
ding metamorphic and deformational events spanning the period from ca.
170 to 60 Ma, with younger kinematic and thermal events recorded at p
rogressively deeper levels. The Monashee complex, the footwall terrane
of the Monashee decollement, consists of an Early Proterozoic crystal
line basement complex overlain by Late Proterozoic and perhaps Phanero
zoic metasedimentary rocks. The Monashee complex was significantly met
amorphosed and deformed in Paleogene time (60-55 Ma), on the basis of
U-Pb data presented in this paper. Analysis of U-Pb titanite data show
that the duration of this metamorphic event was but a few million yea
rs at most, and it provides a strong argument that the heat source for
this metamorphism was the overlying hot Selkirk allochthon. A similar
to 1.85-1.90 Ga metamorphism also is recorded within the Precambrian
basement. The tectonometamorphic chronology of the footwall and hangin
g-walt terranes of the Monashee decollement are very different, and on
ly share Paleogene thermal-tectonic events when the two were structura
lly juxtaposed by deep-seated thrusting. Although this region is the h
interland of the foreland belt of the southern Cordillera, the thermal
and tectonic history of the metamorphic core zone is analogous to tha
t in a thrust belt setting where warmer rocks progressively override c
ooler rocks as displacement migrates toward the foreland. In such sett
ings, a protracted and more complex thermal history of the hanging wal
l is juxtaposed with a simpler thermal history of shorter duration of
the footwall. Seismic reflection and chronological information indicat
e that the Monashee decollement is the same structure as the basal dec
ollement beneath the full width of the southern Rocky Mountains, repre
senting its deep-seated continuation in the hinterland. Tectonic denud
ation resulting from Eocene extension and crustal-scale tilting, follo
wed by late Tertiary erosion, brought these rocks to the surface for s