A two weeks' black poplar (Populus nigra L.) leaf water leachate to wh
ich [C-14]-labelled substrates had been added was used to determine mi
crobial utilization rates and efficiency of the water-extracted fracti
ons. Microbial utilization rate was dependent on the concentration of
individual fractions in the leachate. Leachate alone showed no inhibit
ory effect on microbial uptake rates of added [C-14]-labelled substrat
es. The transformation efficiency of the radioactively labelled substr
ates into microbial biomass ranged from 27.4 to 99.9% and incorporatio
n rates ranged from 2.4 to 85.3%. A relatively high portion of the dis
solved fractions of the leachate (up to 54.4%) was utilized by the mic
robial assemblage during a 20 h incubation period. This indicates that
a significant part of the leachable material is incorporated at a hig
h rate into microbial biomass as an easily available source bf nutrien
ts. The extent and the high rate of leachate utilization by microorgan
isms in hydromelioration channels loaded with a poplar leaf detritus d
emonstrates an integration of this process into the general food web o
f the water ecosystems.