A retrospective study was undertaken to determine if initial culture c
onditions and embryo quality had an effect on subsequent blastocyst de
velopment in co-culture for cryopreservation, The apparent effects of
freeze-thawing on blastocysts at the ultrastructure level were also ob
served, On day 3 of culture, embryos were categorized into two groups
based on their morphological attributes, Results suggest that the init
ial culture environment of embryos up to day 3 (5- to 8-cell stage) di
d not affect the Subsequent rate of blastocyst formation in co-culture
, However, the initial embryo quality had an impact on blastocyst form
ation and quality, On day 5.5, 90% (60/67) of the optimal quality embr
yos (six to eight blastomeres with minimal or no fragmentation on day
3) had attained the blastocyst stage, which was greater (P < 0.01) tha
n the 55% (31/56) observed with the sub-optimal embryos (five to eight
blastomeres with 30-50% fragmentation on day 3), Furthermore, 66% (44
/67) of embryos initially graded as optimal were suitable for cryopres
ervation, which was greater (P < 0.01) than attained with embryos of l
esser quality (22/56; 39%), At the ultrastructural level, the polarize
d distribution of plasma membrane microvilli was retained, as was the
integrity of the nuclear membrane following thawing.