The probability of the existence of a large planet, Planet X, orbiting
beyond Pluto-Neptune, is investigated from a cosmogonical standpoint.
An extrapolation of the mass content of the pre-planetary nebula indi
cates that there is little mass in this region. The planetary accretio
n time is also such that the Solar System is not old enough for a plan
et to have formed at this distance from the Sun, Thirdly, the pre-plan
etary nebula stopped contracting at a finite radius, this being govern
ed both by its angular momentum and the enhanced radiation pressure ex
erted by the proto-sun as the proto-sun climbed over the top of the Ha
yashi forbidden zone. This radius was such that very little material r
esided in the trans-Pluto-Neptune regions. It is concluded that the li
kelihood of the existence of Planet X is very low.