By means of molecular biology and genetic research the influence of ge
netic factors on a great variety of human diseases could be shown. In
the field of cardiovascular research the genetic defects of a few mono
genetic disorders, such as Marfan's syndrome and hypertrophic cardiomy
opathy, have been characterized. In addition, candidate genes for poly
genetic diseases, such as arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis, h
ave been cloned. However, the identification of a candidate gene or it
s mutation does not prove its influence on the phenotype or the final
cause of a particular disease. Only a targeted manipulation of a defin
ed candidate gene in a transgenic animal model helps to understand the
role of the gene and its product in the whole organism. Transgenic ex
periments can be divided into gene-addition and gene-deletion models.
In a gene-addition experiment a fusiongene is microinjected into a fer
tilized oocyte. The fusiongene itself consists at least of a regulator
y element promoter and of a DNA sequence coding for the gene product (
protein) of intended overproduction. The choice of the right promoter
is important for obtaining tissue-specific gene expression. The cardia
c myosin light chain-2 promoter for example leads to a ventricle-speci
fic gene expression in cardiomyocytes from early embryogenesis through
adulthood. In a gene-deletion experiment on the other hand, the targe
t gene is selectively knocked out by homologous recombination in embry
onic stem (ES) cells. The selected ES-cells are then injected into bla
stocysts. If the ES-cells are integrated into the germ line and transm
itted to the progeny, a transgenic line is established. This review ar
ticle describes planning and development of transgenic animals and dis
cusses established transgenic animal model systems with regard to card
iovascular physiology. In addition, animal models which may provide a
basis for future gene therapy will be introduced.