There is a lack of knowledge in the scope of phytotoxicity because the
concentration of chemicals in the environment and their uptake by vas
cular plants is quite difficult to control. Fuzzy clustering, a cluste
ring method which derives the degree of membership to each cluster, wa
s applied to analyze TOXSCREEN, a dataset of chemicals tested with soy
bean and barley under identical conditions. The clustered variables we
re the partition coefficients octanol-water (K-OW) and atmosphere-wate
r (K-AW), the molecular weight (MW) and effective concentration regard
ing 50% of the experiment population (EC(50)). The clustering of only
physical parameters yielded in a good separation of aromatics and non-
aromatics, but cluster decomposition in the sense of phytotoxicity was
rather poor. Adding EC(50) resulted in the good decomposition of chem
icals with different toxicity.