This experimental clinical study evaluated different treatment manipul
ations of the principle of Laryngeal-Supralaryngeal Cyclicity as a fol
low-up to Gierut (1994b). Laryngeal-Supralaryngeal Cyclicity states th
at the acquisition of phonemic distinctions will occur as a bivalent c
ycle with laryngeal and supralaryngeal distinctions emerging in turn.
In this study, children with seemingly static phonemic systems partici
pated in a treatment programme that introduced sequentially new distin
ctions to the inventory. One child was presented with alternating lary
ngeal and supralaryngeal properties consistent with the principle, whe
reas the other child was exposed only to consecutive supralaryngeal di
stinctions. Results indicated that the latter treatment condition trig
gered greater phonemic expansion, as based on the longitudinal course
of emergent phonemic distinctions for each child. These findings were
comparable to those of the earlier investigation, and have implication
s for treatment efficacy and theories of language acquisition.