Seven varieties of Lolium perenne L., representing a wide range of win
ter hardiness, were used to investigate relationships between freezing
tolerance of leaves and levels of non-structural carbohydrates and ke
y enzymes of sugar metabolism in leaves. Relatively small differences
were observed in freezing tolerance assessed by the electrolyte leakag
e method among six of the seven varieties; only the variety Yatsyn I w
as significantly less tolerant than the others. The differences in con
tents of sugars and the related enzymes phosphofructokinase (PFK), glu
cose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogena
se (6PGDH) and fructose-3,6-biphosphatase (FBPase) among the six varie
ties were also small and non-significant. in ca. Yatsyn I, the lower d
egree of freezing tolerance was associated with significantly lower le
vels of sugars, enzymes, and total protein. The lower activity of PFK
was mainly due to reduced activity of the high molecular weight cytoso
lic form of the enzyme. A similar phenomenon was observed in cv. Barol
di of the frost sensitive species Westerwolds ryegrass (Lolium multifl
orum Lam.). These results support the view that high levels of sugars
promote the development of maximum hardiness only when associated with
high metabolic activity. The consequence of the latter for the useful
ness of the characters investigated for screening purposes is discusse