An 18-month-old New Zealand White rabbit developed a rapidly growing f
irm perianal mass. Within 2 months, the mass increased in size from 4.
0 x 2.0 cm to 7.5 x 7.0 x 3.5 cm. Cut surfaces of the mass were white
to yellow with foci of hemorrhage. Histopathologic examination reveale
d neoplastic granulocytes that invaded the dermis of the overlying ski
n, subcutaneous tissue, and the regional skeletal muscle. The tumor wa
s comprised of myeloid cells with large eosinophilic cytoplasmic granu
les that had the histochemical and ultrastructural features of eosinop
hils. This is the first report of an eosinophil granulocytic sarcoma i
n lagomorphs.