The anatomy of pathways containing the calcium binding protein calreti
nin was investigated in the forebrain of the rat, using a combination
of immunohistochemical and retrograde tract tracing techniques. Numero
us well identified pathways do contain calretinin, whereas others do n
ot. Pathways arising from the substantia nigra/ventral tegmental area,
the dorsal raphe, the lateral mammillary nucleus, the supramammillary
nucleus, the triangular septal and septo-fimbrial nuclei, several tha
lamic nuclei, the parabrachial nucleus, the peripeduncular nucleus, th
e medial amygdala contain at least some calretinin. The proportion of
projection neurons containing calretinin ranged from 2% (dorsal raphe
to caudate) to about 75% (triangular septal nucleus to habenula, media
l amygdala to the ventromedial hypothalamus). More than 50% of the nig
ro-striatal neurons contain calretinin immunoreactivity. In contrast,
other pathways do not contain any calretinin immunoreactivity (for ins
tance the pathways arising from cerebral cortex, locus coeruleus, chol
inergic forebrain nuclei), although calretinin may be present in local
neurons in these structures. The present study demonstrates that calr
etinin is not associated specifically with projection neurons or local
neurons, identified transmitter systems or functionnally related path
ways in the forebrain of the rat.