This paper presents a new empirical analysis of the changes in educati
onal inequality in (West)Germany. It is based on the life history data
of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and Education in Be
rlin (cohorts 1919-21, 1929-31, 1939-41, 1949-51, 1954-56 and 1959-61)
which allows an exact reconstruction of the interviewees' school care
ers. Concerning the effects of social origin, we observe a decline of
inequality over cohorts. This is true for the decision to attend a mid
dle or upper secondary school (boys and girls) as well as for completi
on of an occupational qualification (girls) but not for the decision b
etween a middle and an upper secondary school. Concerning the effects
of region, we observe a declining difference between the choice of sch
ooltype after primary education in cities and in the country. But the
differences between north and south remain for this decision. The diff
erence between city and country reverses for the occupational qualific
ation of girls: For the younger cohorts, the girls living in cities ar
e less likely to finish occupational training.