Very-low-energy collisions between two atoms are usually suppressed, i
n that the probability of close approach of the atoms becomes greatly
reduced as the collision energy vanishes, even if the potential is com
pletely attractive (with the exception of the Coulomb interaction). Th
e suppression is a quantum effect, related to the Wigner threshold law
. It is gauged by comparing the ratio of the probability of being insi
de the well to the probability of being outside for both the classical
and quantum regimes. As the asymptotic kinetic energy vanishes, the a
pproaching atoms reach a minimum distance of typically 20 or 30 a.u. H
ere we study attractive interaction potentials of the form -alpha/r(n)
, and give some numerical results for accurate X (1) Sigma(g)(+) and a
(3) Sigma(u)(+) states of Li-2 and Na-2 molecules. We show that in so
me circumstances it is possible to use Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin theor
y in the suppression regime (where it fails) and to correct for its fa
ilure with a simple factor.