We discuss a formalism for clinical proton beam dosimetry based on the
use of ionization chamber absorbed dose-to-water calibration and beam
quality correction factors. A quantity k(Q), the beam quality correct
ion factor, is defined which corrects the absorbed dose-to-water calib
ration factor N-D,N-w, in a reference beam of quality Q(0) to that in
a user's beam of quality Q(1). This study of proton beam quality corre
ction factors used Co-60 (k(Q gamma)) and proton (k(Qp)) reference bea
ms. The k(Q gamma) factors were measured using combined water calorime
try and ionometry for PTW and Capintec-Farmer-type ionization chambers
, and were computed from standard dosimetry protocols. Agreement betwe
en measured and calculated k(Q gamma), values for both chambers was fo
und within 1.2% in the plateau region for a monoenergetic 250-MeV beam
and within 1.8% at the spread-out Bragg peak for a 155-MeV range-modu
lated beam. Comparison of absorbed doses to water determined in the ra
nge modulated 155-MeV beam was performed with the PTW chamber using th
ree calibration methods: N-gas calibration (AAPM Report 16), N-D,N-w,N
-gamma calibration in a Co-60 beam in conjunction with a k(Q gamma) fa
ctor, and N-D,N-w,N-p calibration in a proton beam in conjunction with
a k(Qp), factor. Absorbed doses to water obtained with the three meth
ods agreed within 2% when ionization chamber dosimetry data were analy
zed using the proton W-value for air from the AAPM Report 16 and the I
CRU 49 proton stopping powers. The use of the proton-calibrated refere
nce ionization chamber, in conjunction with the beam quality correctio
n factor k(Qp), significantly reduced the systematic uncertainty of th
e absorbed dose determination. (C) 1996 American Association of Physic
ists in Medicine.