The 3(13) --> 2(20) line of para water at 183.3 GHz (lambda = 1.67 mm)
has been observed from the ground toward HH7-11 at three different da
tes (in 1989, 1994 and 1995). The emission consists of several discret
e spikes at velocities which are blueshifted with respect to the ambie
nt cloud. The strongest spike appeared at a LSR velocity of -93 km s(-
1), much lower that the reported velocities of the previously known 22
GHz masers, and presents a significant spatial extent of >10 '' along
the blueshifted lobe of the fast component of the CO outflow. The pro
files are observed to be strongly time variable. We conclude that the
water line emission at 183 GHz is of maser nature, and that it arises
from a region which has been heated and shock-compressed by the action
of the violent outflow emanating from SVS13. We also report the detec
tion of strong water emission in L1448-mm. The spectrum consists of se
veral velocity features and probably of a broad emission plateau. Fina
lly, we report the results from a search for H2O 3(13) --> 2(20) emiss
ion toward several dark clouds harboring HH objects and bipolar molecu
lar outflows.