The article explores recent transformations in the cities of Latin Ame
rica and the Caribbean, their effects on urban research and the challe
nges facing such research. On the first point, four central processes
are identified: changes in the urban economy, greater fragmentation an
d social exclusions, the crisis in present forms of municipal governme
nt, and urban decay. Their explanation is preceded by an outline of th
e distinctive features of urban development in previous decades and th
e explanatory theories that were developed on the subject. Regarding t
he consequences and challenges, it is maintained that, given the diffe
rent time scales and trends that exist between urban development and e
conomic and social processes, recent changes have a considerable impac
t on urban research; the main challenges facing such research are: con
ducting long-term research, maintaining continuity of subject around t
he essential processes of urban development, reviewing the epistemolog
ical question of the character of the object of study, and rebuilding
the institutional character of urban research on new bases.