We analyze the effects of a tree level flavor changing tcZ vertex indu
ced by a mixing with new isosinglet Q = 2/3 quarks, on the effective b
sZ vertex. We compute the contributions arising from the new electrowe
ak penguin diagrams involving one insertion of the tcZ vertex. We show
that a generalized GIM mechanism ensures the cancellation of the mass
independent terms as well as of the new divergences. Unexpectedly, th
e presence of a tcZ coupling cannot enhance the rates for the Z mediat
ed flavor changing decays b --> s l(+)l(-) and b --> <s nu(nu)over bar
>, implying that these processes cannot be used to set limits on the t
cZ coupling. The additional effects of the heavy isosinglets are compa
red with the well studied effects of new isodoublets appearing in mult
i-generational models.