Clinical thyroid disorders are frequently associated with psychiatric
symptomatology, thus supporting a role for thyroid hormones in the bio
logical basis of psychiatric disorders, particularly mood disorders. D
espite extensive literature documenting various abnormalities of thyro
id function tests in primary major depression, the role of thyroid hor
mones in the pathophysiology of affective disorders remains to be clar
ified. In this review, we describe the various abnormalities of thyroi
d hormone levels reported in primary affective illness. We also review
the competing hypotheses to explain the abnormalities of thyroid func
tion observed. Although neither model can fully explain the role of th
yroid hormones in depressive illness, they provide working hypotheses
for further study. Additional research is required to clarify the regu
lation of thyroid hormones by mature brain and the role of these hormo
nes in the biological basis of affective illness.