Biological effects of omega-3 fatty acids are related to their propert
ies as structural components of cell membranes, their role as precurso
rs of eicosanoids and their effects on lipoprotein metabolism. This is
the basis for a great variety of metabolic effects, many of which of
increasing medical interest. Particularly in the cardiovascular field,
omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to have a wide spectrum of potent
ially antiatherogenic effects. Among these are the inhibition of plate
let aggregation, reduction of blood viscosity, lowering of blood press
ure and suppression of inflammatory reactions in the arteriosclerotic
plaque. The principal actions in lipid metabolism are a reduction in t
riglycerides and a small increase in HDL2. The effect on LDL-cholester
ol is complex and an adverse LDL-increase may occur in particular hype