High angular momentum states in Bi-195-197 are populated in two reacti
ons: W-183(F-19,xn)Bi-202-x and Ta-181(Ne-20,xn)Bi-201-x at beam energ
ies of 108 and 123 MeV, respectively. Gamma rays were detected using t
he Gammasphere array. Three weakly populated rotational sequences have
been found. They each have properties characteristic of other superde
formed bands in this mass region. On the basis of cross-bombardment in
formation we believe that one band belongs to each of Bi-195, Bi-196,
and Bi-197. The properties of the bands in the odd-Bi nuclei are best
reproduced if the odd proton occupies the favored signature of the [65
1]1/2 orbital, while the band in Bi-196 has this same proton configura
tion coupled to an additional N=7 (j(15/2)) neutron. The relative beha
vior of the J((2)) moments of inertia can be qualitatively understood
in terms of Pauli-blocking effects.