From the general theoretico-methodical point of view the project MONTA
N is based on the concept of integrated ecological monitoring. The mon
itoring system - of the environment of the Tatra Biosphere Reserve - i
s divided into 9 fundamental elements: bedrock, geomorphological condi
tions, climatic condition and air quality, water, soil, water biota, f
orest stands, herb layer and cryptogamic flora, and terrestrial fauna.
In harmony with the aim of this monitoring, the negative effects of h
uman activities are regarded as the system environment. One of the key
expressions applied in the project is the expression ''state of the m
onitored element'', because only this state can be empirically detecte
d and the changes explained. It is described by substantial parameters
(attributes and properties) of the monitored elements through 83 indi
ces of these states. The Information System of MONTAN is based on thre
e main principles: (1) hierarchy, (2) data portability, (3) modularity
. It consists of four relatively independent, cooperating subsystems:
a subsystem of data collecting and primary data processing, a databank
, a subsystem of main data processing, analysis, synthesis and modelli
ng, and a subsystem of local network.