Thiocarboxylic acids smoothly attack conjugated azoalkenes at room tem
perature to give hydrazone 1,4-adducts that exhibit tautomerism with t
he corresponding enamino forms. These adducts when treated with sodium
hydride in tetrahydrofuran at room temperature lead to 1-alkoxycarbon
yl- or arbonyl-3-methyl-4-acylthio-1H-pyrazol-5(2H)-ones. The same add
ucts in chloroform with trifluoroacetic acid under reflux produce 1-al
koxycarbonyl- or inocarbonyl-3-methyl-4-acylthio-5-alkoxypyrazoles. In
acidic media with aqueous tetrahydrofuran the 1,4-adducts undergo hyd
rolysis affording 2-acylthio-3-oxobutanoate derivatives that exhibit e
nol-keto tautomerism. The 1-alkoxycarbonyl- and ocarbonyl-3-methyl-4-a
cylthio-1H-pyrazol-5(2H)-one derivatives in methanol under reflux unde
rgo solvolysis to give, after a few minutes, simple 3-methyl-4-acylthi
o-1H-pyrazol-5(2H)-ones and after a few hours, 4,4'-dithiobis(3-methyl
-1H-pyrazol-5(2H)-ones), while 1-alkoxycarbonyl- and aminocarbonyl-3-m
ethyl-4-acylthio-5-alkoxypyrazole derivatives are resistant to the sam
e reaction conditions even over several days. X-Ray diffraction studie
s of some 1-alkoxycarbonyl- and carbonyl-3-methyl-4-acylthio-1H-pyrazo
l-5(2H)-ones have been performed in order to determine the structure o
f the pyrazole ring in all such compounds, as well as the conformation
al situation in the solid state of the substituents on N-1. These inve
stigations confirm the reconsideration of the structure assignments fr
equently recurring in the literature for some 5- and 3-hydroxypyrazole