Membrane filters are often used to size fractionate phytoplankton when
measuring biomass-specific production. Polycarbonate filters are repu
ted to have the lowest extractables for membranes used for environment
al analysis, however, we show that Nuclepore(R) polycarbonate filters
contain a dye that co-extracts with algal pigments into methanol. The
contaminating dye has characteristics similiar to those of pigments ex
tracted from mixed populations of naturally occurring phytoplankton wh
en measured spectrophotometrically. The dye can, however, be separated
from the chlorophylls using high performance liquid chromatography. I
n addition, the dye does not fluoresce and hence does not interfere wi
th fluorometric analysis of chlorophyll a. The purpose of this note is
to alert investigators to the presence of the contaminating pigment i
n Nuclepore(R) polycarbonate filters which can be mistaken for algal p
igments. Other brands, such as Poretics(R), do not contain the contami
nant and could be used as an alternative.