CT scans of ten patients in whom the diagnosis of mandibular osteoradi
onecrosis was proven pathologically or by clinical followup were revie
wed. All ten patients had bony abnormalities (cortical interruptions a
nd loss of spongiosa trabeculation) on the symptomatic side. These wer
e predominantly seen in the body of the mandible (premolar and molar r
egion, eight patients), in some of these cases extending into the retr
omolar triangle (two patients) or mandibular angle (two patients). In
the remaining two patients the abnormalities were in the ramus and ang
le. The two patients treated with iridium implantation showed localize
d lingual-sided cortical destruction. Three patients had a pathologica
l fracture. The cortical destruction was buccal-sided in two and both
buccal- and lingual-sided in three of the other five patients. Contral
ateral bony abnormalities were present in four patients. Soft tissue t
hickening on the symptomatic side was seen in nine patients. As the bo
ny abnormalities in mandibular osteoradionecrosis are often associated
with a soft tissue mass, CT differentiation from tumor recurrence can
be diffficult. The association with cortical defects distant from the
position of the original tumor (buccal surface or opposite side of ma
ndible) should evoke the possibility of mandibular osteoradionecrosis.