A structure that is likely associated with the Sagittarius dwarf galax
y (Sgr) is identified in a new sample of 1466 RR Lyrae stars of Bailey
type ab (RRab). These stars were discovered in a 25 deg(2) field, cen
tered at the Galactic coordinates b = -7 degrees, l = 3 degrees, using
154 B and R photographic Schmidt plates taken for the DUO project. A
significant extension of Sgr into this region is not expected from the
Ibata, Gilmore, & Irwin projected density. After correction for extin
ction, the distribution of magnitudes corresponds to a bimodal distanc
e modulus distribution, with peaks at the distance of the Galactic cen
ter and Sgr (24 +/- 2 kpc), The distribution on the sky of the 313 sta
rs concentrated near 24 kpc is consistent with an extension of the str
ucture found by Ibata and coworkers. Also, the period histogram of the
distant RRab is quite different from that of stars at smaller distanc
es. This is evidence that, at large distance, we suddenly cross a popu
lation that is different from the Galactic RRab. All of this evidence
demonstrates that the observed density is likely an extension of the d
warf galaxy discovered by Ibata and coworkers.