The algorithm used to correct total O3 froM the total ozone mapping sp
ectrometer (TOMS) for cloud effects is based on the measured reflectiv
ity, a climatological cloud top height, and an assumed tropospheric O3
column amount below clouds. In regions of persistent subtropical mari
ne stratocumulus it is assumed that this introduces a positive error i
nto total O3 because these clouds are lower than the assumed mean clou
d height used in the algorithm. This appears to be confirmed by high c
orrelation between Nimbus 7 TOMS total O3 and reflectivity data for ty
pical regimes of persistent stratus, as identified by the internationa
l satellite cloud climatology project (ISCCP) observations. The TOMS t
otal O3 overestimate has been computed using Nimbus 7/solar backscatte
red ultraviolet total O3 derived using temperature humidity infrared r
adiometer (THIR) data for years 1979-1984. A functional relationship b
etween the THIR/non-THIR total O3 difference and reflectivity is used
with TOMS reflectivity to modify Nimbus 7 TOMS O3 data for selected re
gions and periods. The correction diminishes or eliminates a number of
apparent O3 Maxima, with reductions of up to 20 Dobson units (DU) in
total O3 on daily maps and approximately 5 DU on monthly mean O3 maps.
Significant correlation between corrected TOMS O3 and reflectivity da
ta remains because low-altitude O3 is retrieved more efficiently over
a high-albedo surface. It is also possible that dynamical influences l
eading to stratocumulus formation bring O3-enriched air into the area.
These results imply that although good arguments can be made for the
use of TOMS total O3 as a proxy for tropospheric O3 in the tropics, ca
ution must be exercised in the use of daily and even monthly O3 maps i
n the vicinity of clouds. Further research into the TOMS algorithm in
cloudy regions is required to derive reliable estimates of tropospheri
c O3.