This study explores the relations between certain socialization experi
ences and social judgments among poor, inner-city African-American kin
dergartners. 54 mothers and their children took part in this investiga
tion. Consistent with the domain distinction literature, children made
judgments about the seriousness, rule contingency, context contingenc
y, and punishment deserved for familiar moral and social-conventional
transgressions. Mothers were queried regarding their childrearing valu
es and discipline practices and described their children's peer networ
k and social experiences. Results indicated that children distinguishe
d between moral and social-conventional issues when explaining why the
y were wrong and in terms of rule and home context contingency criteri
a, but not the other judgment criteria. Mothers placed high value on c
onformity and most often ignored or talked to children about their mis
behavior. More frequent use of talking, less ignoring, and less denial
of privileges by mothers predicted children's making the domain disti
nction. Discussion focuses on methodological limitations and direction
s for future research.