We derive the exact effective superpotential in 4d, N = 1 supersymmetr
ic SU(2) gauge theories with N-A triplets and 2N(f) doublets of matter
superfields. We find the quantum vacua of these theories; the equatio
ns of motion (for N-A = 1) can be reorganized into the singularity con
ditions of an elliptic curve. From the phase transition points to the
Coulomb branch, we find the exact Abelian gauge couplings, tau, for ar
bitrary bare masses and Yukawa couplings. We thus derive the result th
at tau is a section of an SL(2, Z) bundle over the moduli space and ov
er the parameters space of bare masses and Yukawa couplings. For N-c >
2, we derive the exact effective superpotential in branches of supers
ymmetric SU(N-c) gauge theories with one supermultiplet in the adjoint
representation (N-A = 1) and zero or one flavor (N-f = 0, 1). We find
the quantum vacua of these theories; the equations of motion can be r
eorganized into the singularity conditions of a genus N-c - 1 hyperell
iptic curve. Finally, we present the effective superpotential in the N
-A, N-f < N-c cases.