We measured sensitivity to binocular correlation in dynamic random-dot
stereograms that defined moving sinusoidal gratings-in-depth. At a ra
nge of spatial frequencies and drift rates we established sensitivity
by adding Gaussian distributed disparity noise to the modulation of di
sparity that defined a cyclopean grating, and finding the noise amplit
ude that rendered the grating just detectable, This permitted correlat
ion thresholds to be measured at a range of suprathreshold disparity a
mplitudes. Spatial requirements for binocular correlation depend littl
e on temporal frequency, and vice versa, This suggests that binocular
correlation mechanisms can be characterized by independent spatial and
temporal sensitivity functions. The temporal frequency function has a
low pass characteristic, Sensitivity declines above about 1 c/sec, re
aching its limit at 4-8 c/sec. The spatial characteristic depends grea
tly on the amplitude of disparity modulation, changing from band pass
at low amplitude to low pass at high amplitude, The maximum resolvable
spatial frequency is 46 c/deg, but declines sharply for relatively hi
gh amplitudes, The interaction between amplitude and spatial frequency
cannot be explained by fixed high or low limits on detectable dispari
ty gradients.