A 28-year-old patient with AIDS was found at autopsy to have dissemina
ted cryptococcal infection involving the lungs, spleen, lymph nodes, k
idneys, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid, bone marrow, and liver. Despi
te widespread organ dissemination the patient did not have clinical or
pathological evidence of meningitis. Microscopic examination of the b
rain showed cryptococci limited to the brainstem and basal ganglia; mi
croglial nodules with multinucleate giant cells, a histological hallma
rk of HIV-1 encephalitis, were shown to contain Cryptococcus neoforman
s. This feature may suggest a form of synergism between HIV-1 and Cryp
tococcus neoformans. This case demonstrates an unusual form of cryptoc
occal neurotropism with limited CNS involvement.