The clinically important issue of tumor heterogeneity was studied in C
57BL/6-E mu-myc transgenic mice, which provide a genetically uniform m
odel system in which all animals eventually develop B cell lymphomas a
fter additional genetic changes beyond enforced expression of the tran
sgenic oncogene. Three different approaches were compared for discerni
ng the cellular and genetic homogeneity of these tumors, Analysis of I
gh gene rearrangement showed mainly monoclonality and only infrequent
oligoclonality in the tumors from a given animal, In contrast, cytogen
etic examination indicated a substantial degree of heterogeneity in th
e tumors from a given animal and showed that a wide variety of seconda
ry genetic changes occur in E mu-myc transgenic mice, Flow cytometry o
f DNA content also revealed a high degree of heterogeneity within and
among the tumor masses from single E mu-myc mice. Estimates of tumor h
eterogeneity revealed by these three techniques often did not coincide
, indicating that these different approaches reflect distinct cellular
parameters, Transgenic E mu-myc mice additionally homozygous for the
scid mutation displayed enhanced levels of secondary genetic changes t
hat were valuable for the methodological comparisons performed here, a
nd demonstrated that the extent of tumor heterogeneity can be influenc
ed by specific genes other than the primary E mu-myc transgene, In sum
mary, a combination of methodologies appears to be required to reveal
the full extent of tumor heterogeneity within a single individual. (C)
1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.