Nucleophosmin/B23 is a 38 kD molecular phosphoprotein involved in ribo
some assembly and transport, In view of the fact that nucleophosmin/B2
3 appears to be more abundant in tumour cells than in normal cells, th
e mRNA expression and immunohistochemical localization of nucleophosmi
n/B23 were investigated in 19 samples of non-neoplastic mucosa, six ad
enomas, and 16 adenocarcinomas of the colorectum. Northern blot analys
is revealed that nucleophosmin/B23 mRNA is expressed at a higher level
in adenomas and carcinomas than in non-neoplastic mucosa of the color
ectum, Immunohistochemical staining of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedd
ed tissue sections after microwave antigen retrieval, using a nucleoph
osmin/B23-specific monoclonal antibody, showed almost exclusively diff
use nuclear reactivity of a majority of the epithelial cells in non-ne
oplastic mucosa: in adenomas, reactivity was almost exclusively nucleo
lar and in carcinomas, nuclear as well as nucleolar staining was obser
ved, During mitosis, the immunoreactivity of nucleophosmin/B23 appears
in the cytoplasm, The results indicate that the expression of nucleop
hosmin/B23 is higher in neoplastic than in non-neoplastic colorectal m
ucosa, Furthermore, the pattern of nucleophosmin/B23 expression shifts
from nuclear to nucleolar early in the adenoma-carcinoma sequence, Th
e exact function of nucleophosmin/B23 in colorectal carcinogenesis rem
ains to be determined.