Microcuttings of Fraxinus excelsior, sampled from adult trees during t
he period of cell cycle blockage of bud in G(0-1), developed long reju
venated sprouts on the Woody Plant Medium (WPM) with benzylaminopurine
(BAP) (4.0 mg/l) and indolebutyric acid (IBA) (0.03 mg/l) These sprou
ts had the ability to enter a resting period, building dormant-like bu
ds when maintained on the original WPM. Sprouts developed from subcult
ures also entered a resting period without any transfer. Comparison of
in nature buds in active growth and dormancy with buds of growing spr
outs and in vitro dormant-like buds revealed similarity in behaviour a
t the shoot apical level. In particular, in dormant-like buds in a con
stant environment, shoot apical functioning was suppressed while the c
ell cycle of the shoot apex was blocked at the G(0-1) phase, like in n
ature dormant buds.