Brain iron research began in the late nineteenth century when Zaleski
(1886) made a quantitative analysis of one human brain and correlated
iron levels with observations on stained slices and some microscopic s
ections. Gradually, the realization grew that the central nervous syst
em (CNS) contained iron which was different from hemoglobin-iron. This
non-heme iron was found in highest concentrations in globus pallidus,
substantia nigra, red nucleus, and dentate nucleus. The enhancement o
f the traditional histochemical stain, potassium ferrocyanide in hydro
chloric acid, by incubating the reacted sections in a solution of diam
inobenzidine and hydrogen peroxide, revealed iron in many cell types o
f the CNS, including neurons, microglia, oligodendroglia, and some ast
rocytes. A large proportion of the soluble brain iron was shown to be
present in ferritin. Brain ferritin was found to be very similar to th
e protein from other organs in that it contained heavy and light subun
its. Several investigators reported the presence of other iron-related
proteins in the central nervous system, including transferrin, transf
errin receptor, and the ferritin repressor protein. Brain was shown to
respond to the extravasation of blood by converting the iron in heme
to hemosiderin by a sequence of steps which was quite similar to the p
rocess in extracerebral organs. The methods of molecular biology have
contributed greatly to our understanding of brain iron but many questi
ons remain about its unique anatomical distribution and its role in de
generative diseases such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's dement