The animal model of hepatic fibrosis induced by bile duct ligation rep
resents an experimental model of human chronic biliary fibrosis. Much
attention has been given to the hepatic stellate cell (HSC), or perisi
nusoidal cell, as the source of the extracellular matrix proteins. How
ever, in the bile duct ligation model, mesenchymal cells other than HS
C may be involved in the early stages of fibrosis development. The cur
rent study examined, in Sprague-Dawley rats, proliferation in differen
t liver cell subpopulations as well as expression of alpha-smooth musc
le (SM) actin and desmin in portal fibroblasts and HSC at 6 hours and
1,2,3, and 7 days after bile duct ligation. Kinetics of liver cell pro
liferation and of phenotypic modulation of portal fibroblasts and HSC
(expression of alpha-SM actin and desmin) was evaluated by immunocytoc
hemistry, immunofluorescence, and immunoelectron microscopy using immu
nogold technique. In sham-operated animals, the evaluation of prolifer
ation in various liver cell subpopulations revealed nonsignificant cha
nges compared with nonoperated rats. alpha-SM actin was detected in ve
ssel walls but was absent in cells of portal tract and parenchyma. Des
min was expressed in vessel walls and in some fibroblastic cells of po
rial stroma (8.2 cells/unit area) as well as in HSC in acinar Zones 1
and 3 (15.6 cells/unit area and 7.1 cells/unit area, respectively). In
bile duct-ligated rats, 24 and 48 hours after ligation, marked prolif
erations of bile duct epithelial cells (labeling indices 36.8% and 29.
5%, respectively) and of periductular fibroblasts (labeling indices 16
.7% and 31.0%, respectively) were observed; thereafter, proliferation
decreased for both populations (labeling indices at 7 days 12.0% and 1
1.6%, respectively). HSC proliferation increased gradually until the t
hird day (labeling index 18.8%) and then leveled off. Immunocytochemis
try and immunoelectron microscopy revealed a significant number of cel
ls expressing alpha-SM actin 72 hours after bile duct ligation in the
stroma adjacent to proliferating ductules. The number of alpha-SM acti
n-positive cells increased until the seventh day (251.6 cells/unit are
a). At all times examined, the distribution of alpha-SM actin was rest
ricted to the connective tissue stroma adjacent to proliferating ductu
les; alpha-SM actin was not expressed in HSC of the lobule. An expansi
on of desmin expression was noted in fibroblastic cells in stroma surr
ounding proliferating ductules until 72 hours after bile duct ligation
(74.7 cells/unit area) followed by a plateau. At this time, desmin ex
pression increased also in HSC; as in controls, the number of positive
cells was greater in Zone 1 (31.8 cells/unit area) than in Zone 3 (18
.5 cells/unit area). Double immunofluorescence staining detected by co
nfocal microscopy showed that the majority of portal fibroblastic cell
s expressing alpha-SM actin was desmin negative 48 hours after bile du
ct ligation. From 72 hours, portal fibroblastic cells coexpressing alp
ha-SM actin and desmin appeared, and their proportion increased until
7 days. The present findings indicate that in the early phase of bile
duct ligation, there is a marked and transient proliferation of bile d
uct epithelial cells associated with proliferation of portal periductu
lar fibroblasts, which rapidly express alpha-SM actin. This fibroblast
ic population may play a dominant role in the early porial fibrosis af
ter bile duct ligation.