Genetic resources are races or populations with unique genetic charact
eristics. Agricultural resources need to be conserved for genetic adap
tion to changes in agricultural production conditions and preferences
as well as to maintain local breeds. An increasing loss of genetic div
ersity has been observed for all agriculturally used species, and poul
try genetic resources are one of the most endangered. The current mark
et oriented breeding strategies in poultry concentrates on a few speci
alized breeds that may lead to a significant erosion of local breeds.
The erosion of local breeds could be linked with the loss of valuable
genetic variability and unique characteristics of these breeds. The ma
in objective of the cooperative activities between the Institute for S
mall Animal Research Celle/Merbitz of the Federal Research Centre of A
griculture Braunschweig Volkenrode (FAL), ''Bund Deutscher Rassegeflug
elzuchter'', and ''Gesellschaft zur Erhaltung alter und gefahrdeter Ha
ustierrassen'' is to avoid the extinct of valuable poultry breeds in G
ermany. The concept of screening local breeds, identifying and evaluat
ing the most endangered local breeds as well as initial activities in
Germany are discussed in this paper.