Since the initial development of the electrocardiogram, cardiologists
have made dramatic advances in the description and understanding of ca
rdiac arrhythmias. Despite these successes, the analysis of cardiac rh
ythm has remained largely descriptive. Recently, the principles of non
linear dynamics, or chaos theory, have been applied to the quantitativ
e analysis of cardiac rhythm in a variety of diverse situations. In ch
aos theory, three types of signals can be defined: periodic signals, w
hich repeat themselves over some finite rime interval, chaotic signals
, which, while deterministic, demonstrate complex behavior and do not
repeat themselves, and random signals, which are unpredictable and non
deterministic. The technique of nonlinear forecasting defines trajecto
ries in a suitably defined phase space and uses the future evolution o
f trajectories that are close to each other over short distances to ma
ke predictions for times further into the future. The ability to relia
bly predict the future evolution of the trajectories derived from any
signal is an important characteristic of the underlying dynamics of th
e signal and can therefore used to determine those dynamics. The found
ation of nonlinear forecasting is reviewed, and an algorithm is descri
bed that can be used to determine the underlying dynamics of a signal
and has been applied to the analysis of R-R interval data.