The nucleophilic substitution reaction of cumyl arenesulfonate with an
iline has been investigated. The reaction in acetonitrile proceeds by
the S(N)2 mechanism with probable front.side nucleophilic attack. The
large magnitude of rho(xz) (= -0.75) obtained results in an observable
sign reversal of rho(z) at sigma(x) = 0.83, with a negative rho(z) va
lue for sigma(x) > sigma(x). This rather unusual phenomenon can be rat
ionalized by a strong interaction between the nucleophile and leaving
group due to their close proximity in the transition state, which in t
urn is a result of the frontside nucleophilic attack. The reactions in
methanol indicate that the S(N)1 channel competes with the S(N)2 path
way and ion-pair return is observed when the aniline nucleophile conce
ntration is low.