A new characteristic-based pressure-correction method designed for com
putation of flows at all speeds Is presented. The method includes the
implementation within the pressure correction framework of interpolati
on of the characteristic variables, the approximation of the nonlinear
operator by a stable segregate linear operator, the use of an approxi
mate Riemann solver for the computation of the cell face inviscid Aux,
and the projection of the correction fields into the flux space, Appl
ication test cases include 1) supersonic inviscid are bump how 2) tran
sonic viscous double throat nozzle, and 3) incompressible lid driven c
avity flow, The method is uniformly of high order and nonoscillatory,
which leads to crisp shock representation without the creation of spur
ious oscillations. The results show a substantial improvement over exi
sting pressure-correction methods for computation of compressible flow